Ashley H Weeks


About Ashley H Weeks

A black and white icon of a check mark in a circle.

  • Education degree in Physical Education and Health and Special Education.
  • Over 15,000 hours of training group fitness at all levels
  • Coached basketball, softball, track and field, and cross country. 
  • Crossfit L-1 since 2009
  • Crossfit L-2
  • CF Gymnastics
  • CF Adaptive 
  • CF Kids
  • Burgener Weightlifting Level 1

Fitness and sports have been a part of most all my life! As a trainer it’s been so fulfilling to watch a community of people walk in nervous and doubtful and walk out confident and bold. God designed us to be Bold in who we are and it’s my job to help bring out the best in each person who walks through that door each day! 

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